**New Update 3/27/2020**

Due to Governor Polis’ Executive Order 009 we are now ONLY able to see ACUTE and EMERGENCY patients as all wellness and maintenance care is considered “nonessential”.  This is effective now through April 14th.  There will be no changes to memberships during this time and we will roll over any unused visits for use later.  We appreciate your membership and allowing us to care for you in the past and in the very near future.  Your membership helps us keep our doors open, even if it’s extremely limited as it is now with this new order.  If you need an emergency appointment, please call us at 970-243-1388 and there will be a couple of screening questions.  Emergency appointment must be reserved for acute injuries or conditions that would rapidly deteriorate and possibly lead to permanent impairment if treatment was not administered.  Also, if you have further questions feel free to call.  If we are unavailable, leave a message and we will return your call as we will still be in the office daily on a limited basis.